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 Hacking Section Rules!

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Number of posts : 38
Age : 33
Location : Sinnoh Region, Heartrome City
Registration date : 2008-08-05

Hacking Section Rules! Empty
PostSubject: Hacking Section Rules!   Hacking Section Rules! EmptyThu Aug 07, 2008 7:57 pm

Ok the rules are simple...

Post your hack... Not other hack someone other created... To put your hacks in the hacking section u must have these to put your hack here...

Main Rule is:
Basic Forum Rules!

1. A story (not too short.)
2. at least 5 screenshots. (Map Shots do not count)
3. Ur Topic most be organized and nice.
4. Have at least a download link for the beta or alpha. If not it will be moved in the Starter Hacks section if there is one!
5. Not necessary but if you have a video would be great!
6. A few banners. Don't need to but it would be better!

If you not follow these rules u can get a warning or get a ban...

And remember to follow the rules!
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